Blog category - Technology

React Hooks - revolutionary changes in React | Concise Software

React Hooks – revolutionary changes in React

In February 2019, a new version of the React library was released. It was signed with the number 16.8.0. Solutions introduced with it revolutionized the whole library. So let`s take a closer look at the new features called React Hooks. As a developer who had the chance to become familiar with the older React libraries I would like to discuss not only the advantages, but also some drawbacks of the new solutions.

How to build a medical app? | Concise Software

How to build a medical app?

A medical app on your phone is no longer a rare phenomenon. We'll be seeing them more and more often, as healthcare mobile apps solve a myriad of problems that have previously been the daily routine of many patients. Why should you consider creating medical apps and what value can they have for customers and business owners?

Cloud security in AWS: an expert guide | Concise Software

Cloud security in AWS: an expert guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is one of the most popular cloud service providers in the world. As more organizations adopt cloud services and shift to AWS, cloud security becomes a critical issue. While AWS offers excellent features as part of its infrastructure, the ultimate responsibility for security is shared between the provider and its users. 

Backend Developer Skills | Concise Software

The Skills You Need to Be a Back-End Developer

In our previous text, we focused on general differences between backend and frontend developers. We continue to create texts on this issue - today we're going to address what backend developer skills you should have.    But let's get back to what

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