Blog category - Node.js

Node Package Manager - Curse or blessing

NPM – Curse or Blessing?

Introduction Internal meetup within an organization can be an excellent way to share knowledge and expertise among team members. In this particular case, we engaged in a discussion focused on the advantages and risks associated with using certain tools or technologies,

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Build your backend using Node.js | Concise Software

5 reasons to build your backend using Node.js

Quality backend development is literally the backbone of every successful software project. When choosing a backend technology, it pays to bet on battle-tested one like Node.js. After all, backend development handles everything that happens behind-the-scenes of web applications, including managing user connections, linking the app to a database, and powering the app's many other functionalities.

6 examples of enterprise Node.js projects | Concise Software

6 examples of enterprise Node.js projects

Node.js has gained massive traction since its release in 2009. Companies like Microsoft, IBM, and Netflix are just a few among many others that are currently running Node.js projects. Why are Node.js projects so popular? The critical advantage of Node.js is

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