Communication among shareholders in companies regarding votes on resolutions or other legislation can be a challenge, not least in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic. It is well known that getting all shareholders together in one place is sometimes impossible.
The task to be performed by Concise Software in the context of the e-voting platform for the capital market was to create a coherent solution for banking in the form of a front-end application running in a Bank hosting environment.
During the realization of this task, we closely monitored how various tasks are carried out in the capital market, and a plan was created on how to respond to the problems that arise when performing certain activities in this environment. Having already had a full view of the capital market situation, we proceeded to create a secure solution that could be used in the banking environment.
We live in a time when a remote model for performing certain tasks is an everyday occurrence. In response to such needs, the e-voting platform was created to show how to conduct voting between shareholders in a simpler way using a blockchain platform.
The blockchain-based e-voting platform is the National Depository for Securities’ response to the growing needs of the capital market, especially in the area of post-trading services. The cooperation of many entities participating in the Platform will also bring measurable benefits for business, ensuring transparency and the highest level of trust in the area of provided services. After creating a plan and prototypes of the application, we proceeded to create an application based on the e-voting platform with a dedicated design, which can be used not only in banking but also by other capital market players.
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