Express.js development services
When used together with Node.js in web development projects, Express.js helps development teams to build powerful APIs for single-page applications (SPAs), multi-page applications (MPAs), as well as hybrid mobile and web apps.
Our team has used Express.js in many projects realized for companies operating across various industries. We know how to use this outstanding framework to build high-performing and scalable web applications.
What is Express.js?
Express.js is a fast, unopinionated, and minimalist web framework for another tool, Node.js. It provides developers with various features that make web development projects much faster and mitigate the cost of development. Express adds a thin layer of fundamental web application features to your app, without coming between developers and the Node.js features they love to use.
The framework is based on a Node.js middleware module called “connect,” which means that any middleware based on the same module also works with Express.js. Many popular frameworks are based on Express.js.