Angular development services
Pick Angular as the key technology for your project, and you can be sure to build secure, scalable, and dynamic applications. This handy framework allows businesses to slash the costs of development even by 60%!
By choosing our team, you get state-of-art infrastructure, top expertise, and skills in the latest technologies development. Our team used Angular in projects realized for companies operating across many different industries. We know how to use this powerful platform to build high-quality applications.
What is Angular?
AngularJS is a framework and platform developed and maintained by Google. Developers use it to build single-page client applications with HTML and TypeScript. It enhances the features of HTML – that’s how it allows teams to build interactive and dynamic user interfaces for both web and mobile applications.
Angular is a great tool for developing the frontend of applications or Single Page Applications (SPAs). The development process is well-structured and dynamic, helping developers to build clear and flexible code.
Which famous applications rely on Angular? There are many successful products on the market that were built with Angular.js, for example, Gmail, YoutTube TV, Microsoft Office Online, Udacity, or Xbox